Jason Darcie在他试图自杀前,留给了妻子Lara一本神秘笔记本,暗示了多年前他妹妹的死并非一场意外,可能跟自己有关。为了弄清丈夫的黑暗过去和自杀的秘密,Lara回到了Jason生活过的小镇。那里,Jason的父亲年事已高并已住进了老年护理之家,只剩下Jason的弟弟Grady能帮她解开笔记中秘密,但是......Lara还不知道自己已激怒了最危险的人.(译:sky200700
讲述了纹身师菅受警方委托调查商人和政客神秘谋杀案的故事。坎跟踪刺客兄弟法德尔和拜森,他们也经营着一家餐馆。当菅直人发现自己爱上了拜辛时,事情发生了转折。与此同时,法德尔被一个名叫斯泰尔的汽车修理工抓住了。It follows the story of a tattoo artist, Kan, who is tasked by the police to dig into the mysterious killings of businessmen and politicians. Kan tails the two assassin brothers, Fadel and Bison, who also run a restaurant. Things take a turn when Kan finds himself falling for Bison. Meanwhile, Fadel gets caught with a car mechanic named Style.